Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Years Buck!

Okay, so I didn't kill this buck exactly on New Years Day... It was on Saturday the 3rd, but close enough. I killed an old 8 pointer behind my paw-in-law's place. The front of his rack was broke off on one side but I didn't mind; He made up for it with a split brow tine and a kicker on the other side. I was the happiest man alive. I called the 8 pointer up with Primos "The BIG Can" at 6:15 AM (still dark). He came into the middle of my rye grass patch where he moved to the outer edge and rubbed a tree. He finally hung around long enough for light to hit and this is when I realized he was an 8 pointer. I shot him at 175 yards with a 30-06 using 150 grain bullet. He ran 25 yards and dropped dead. This is the second biggest Whitetail I've ever killed. I know, sad right?

1 comment:

Joan Johnson said...

Nice buck! Just wondering how the Hills are doing? Hey can you share your email address, I have lost it.. Okay just your email address. Hope all is well.