Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?

On Halloween we had to take Kinleigh trick or treating as a pea in a pod. We stopped by the Hill's house and ate supper.  Then we went to the Myers' house to visit.  Kinleigh kept getting too hot in her outfit so we had to take it off several times.  We went to my Papaw V.L.'s house too! Kinleigh's first Halloween was a success!

Papaw V.L. holding Kinleigh

Thursday, October 27, 2011

1 Month Old

I can't believe Kinleigh is ONE month old! Time is flying by too fast already.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Our Little Glow Worm

Kinleigh's bilirubin level was high for the first 4 days. We had to wake up super early every morning for 4 days and drive to Forrest General to have her heel stuck, so they could check her level. It was very stressful and frustrating to me.  Kinleigh didn't like to eat very often, but she loved sleeping, which made getting her level down harder.  To help decrease her level, we had to wrap her in a bili blanket 24/7.  I was so happy when I got the phone call to stop the bili blanket and the blood sticks!